First love

In 1980, a girl named Bitsy met a man named Ron. You know where I’m going with this, don’t you. :)

We were at a singles fellowship at Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston Texas. I saw him across the room. He was handsome, but so were a lot of other men in the room. The other men were closer.

Ron phoned, “Will you go out with me.” Wait, how did he get my number? No, I’m busy. Maybe another time. 

Another time came in just a few days. But, I’m still busy. I was after all young, fairly pretty. The world was in front of me. 

Ring, ring. Again? Maybe I should consider this. Dinner? Hmmmm no, I just can’t. 

“I probably won’t call back again. Good luck to you.” Whoa, wait. I can’t because my parents are out of town. Would you mind if my sister went with us? I can’t go off and leave her. 

“Sure! We can do that!”

First date at Chile’s on October 7, 1980. Back when they served all their food in baskets and waxed cups. My sister in tow. It was a lovely evening, as most everything with Ron turned out to be. I was charmed and captivated, until he told me he wouldn’t be calling again. He was 34 and I was 21. A discovery during dinner. I was just a baby. First date turned into a last date.


I kind of liked him. Oh well. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. I went about the day.

And then. And then the phone rang again. “What are you doing tonight?”

The rest, as they say, is history. 


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